The TransforMetion Journey has been a great help to me. Coach Valencia is a great person. She has motivated me and I continue to lose weight she is very instrumental in my health being back on track. We are up at 5:30 am on a zoom boot camp on zoom as I call it, where we work out for 30 minutes a day, a great start to my morning: She provide good eating tips, she did a one hour session where she provided us with do’s and don'ts when it comes to eating. She has now also started a fantastic meal prep service for a very reasonable price and she has vegan and nutritional meals that are very tasty and worth trying. Coach V offers a great all around health service and she is 100% in it with you to win it because; she participates in every service she offers to ensure that she partners with us through the 100 days of transformetion to help her participants understand that this goes beyond 100 days, it’s a life time change journey. I absolutely love Coach V and her great customer service, she is a perfect example of what customer service should look like. Please go to her website and review her business offers. She has many more that I did not discuss here and you will not be disappointed. Thank you Valencia for all you do.